Monday, October 26, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

Today in class we all watched the AT&T commercial which was based around Hansel and Gretel. I personally liked this commercial a lot because it appealed to two different things which I like very much. The first is NYC which is the city they were portrayed to be in, and also christmas. This commercial reminded me very much of christmas because in the beginning it seemed as though you might hear that opening music in a christmas commercial. Also because people in the commercial seemed to be wearing heavy/warm clothes from the few glimpses that we got of them. To me it seems as though I completely missed the point of the commercial, which was to switch to AT&T, but since I already have that service, I think its alright. However once we observed and made inferences off the commercial in class, then I realized the deeper meaning behind it all. It truly was an in depth commercial if all of the things that we mentioned in class were meant to be in the commercial. For example by having the store closing behind them in the background, it shows how it was getting late and the children were all alone and probably did not have any other options besides using the phone. We also however saw the flaws of this commercial, which were how the children took the subway and at the end, instead of going back the way they came from, they continued to walk forward and take another way home. Since this commercial is about Hansel and Gretel then the director should have had them walk back the same way they came from since the story about Hansel and Gretel is to retrace your steps and find your way home. The other flaw with this commercial is that the children are getting off the subway platform in the beginning, which raises the question of how did they navigate on the subway? Did they leave bread crumbs, use a map or the phone or anything to help them get around? Or did these children somehow have an intuitive knowledge of the Manhattan subway system? All in all I think it was a good commercial since like I said about how it appealed to me. I think that for a cell phone commercial it was fine and does not need to be thought into or criticized too much.

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