Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to online writing

So here I am at Hofstra, and I am blogging. Writing online makes me I'm asking people to listen to my ideas. By putting out all of my thoughts onto the internet, its just a way for people to get their ideas across to you. When people blog its usually because they feel strongly about a point, where as I am blogging as an assignment for my class. I wonder if I'll get any comments on here, I kind of hope I don't unless their in support of whatever I'm writing. I really don't want to have opposition on my blog because then it just looks kind of dumb that people have wasted their time to find my ideas and to actually oppose what I am thinking. I feel like with this post I might get some negative response. Then again it will probably be from those people that I am writing about now the ones who are actually using their free time for this, unless of course it is from people in my class or my professor, where we are doing this as a project. It's kind of odd for me to think about how people actually use their time to go online and to see what other people are talking about and to use their own time as well to have discussions with people. What annoys me the most is how people will start arguments on blogs or other types of postings on the internet. To me its just a waste of time to post negative comments or comments at all for that matter. What exactly is the point of posting negative things? If you overhear someone on the street talking about something that you might disagree with, are you going to walk over to them and start an argument? Or are you simply going to be the bigger person and move on? I feel these same circumstances apply to the internet, what is the point of starting an argument on a blog? Anyway this whole blog now has become about people being negative, I think that blogging in the first place is kind of pointless, but who knows, maybe from this I'll start to like blogging more. Let's see how this all works out.


  1. Your right, on Youtube, the comments under the videos have arguments and people cursing at each other. I agree that i think that blogging is kind of pointless but i find comments on Youtube to be very entertaining. Although i think that its really irritating that posting something online conceals your identity; you can be anyone. Most people only argue against others or curse out because they know they cant be found (most of the time), trying to be tough. Blogging has its pros and cons, just goes according to personal preference

  2. I agree with you a lot about blogging. I don't really see the point of blogging and what its purpose is. Negative comments and nasty judgements aren't necessary, and no one really cares about it. But with blogging in general have to admit, the idea of someone not knowing who are you, and following what you think and about how you feel about something is kinda creepy. Like the more someone reads what you have to say, they get to know you better in a way, and to me that can be really weird.
