Friday, February 5, 2010

How We Revise.....

I do not revise in the way that we are using it in class today. When I sit down to write my paper, I do not move long in my wriitng until I am completely satisfied with what I have already written down. I guess you could call this my revision process. I revise as I write and do not wait until the end. When I sit down to write I will generally finish the entire paper at once so I can just let all of my ideas flow from me to my computer screen. I hate having to go back over my paper and revise it because it is a waster for me since I revise as I write. The only time that I might have to go back over my paper a second time is when I really mess up and confuse facts or write something that is totally wrong in a research paper. Other than that I do not go back to revise because what I have down are my true thoughts and I don't like being told to go back and change my thoughts.
Revision for me is like building a house, you cannot move on to the next part until you have solid foundations in everything that you have already done. It is critical that you go from start to finish so that everything flows together. It is stupid in my mind to go back and change the beginning or middle of an essay without having to change the entire essay. Once a house is built, it's nearly impossible to go back and change things in the foundation and structure of the house. If the roof is on, are you going to tell a contractor to go back and fix the foundation??

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