Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Paper One Reflection: Do you mean what you write?

For me, writing the small object/large subject essay was...a lot of fun and kind of easy. I enjoyed writing it because it was from the heart and it was everything that I truly felt. most times when I write papers I do not agree with what I am writing, I merely write about a subject because it is what will sound best and what I can write the most about. In my experience teachers don't care about how you feel about a subject when you write a paper, its just how much you can write and how good you can make it sound. Thats why for me I liked this essay because I actually agreed with what I was writing. It all sort of seemed natural for me. It sure does beat writing for the "university", having to change my opinions to fit the format of the essay. Having to appear as though I have authority about something which I truly might not know too much about is common for me. I often will not express my true opinion in sacrifice for the better grade. So tell me, is writing papers all that special for students, or does it just teach us that what we feel doesn't truly matter, its just what you can write more about. Reading this some people might feel that his is a generalization I have made about my self and that I am assuming this of all. I'm confident however that if asked, It would not be to hard to find people with this very same outlook as me. This first paper was for me was from the heart. I wrote what I meant and I meant what I wrote.

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