Sunday, February 7, 2010

Twelfth Night Act 1 Questions.....

1. Who is Olivia?

2. What happened that Viola's brother drowned?

3. Why does Viola's dad know Orsino?

4. What is a kinsman?

5. Where did the fool come from?

6. Why is the fool going to be hung?


  1. 2. He didn't "drown" for sure, but there was shipwreck so she is assuming that's what happened to him because he is missing.
    4. Kinsman is a male relative

  2. 1. Olivia is a "virtuous maid, the daughter of a count..." The captain sums it up on pg 13 Act 1 sc ii lines 37-42.
    3. I'm not sure if her dad personally knew him, I don't think that was made clear either. My guess is that since Viola is from a high social status her father was someone important. He probably knew about dukes (Orsino) from just being part of the high class. Pg 11 Act 1 sc ii. lines 26-30.
    6. The Fool went missing for a while and Maria threatens that Olivia will hang him because he's unreliable. Pg 25-26 Act 1 sc v. Lines 1-6.

  3. 4. A kinsman is a relative by marriage especially a male.

  4. 6. the fool has been lately becoming less intersted in his job. showing a lack of commitment and showing up late puts him in jeapordy according to the maid. Even death could come from such behavior.Act I.5 Ln.1
    3. Violas family is royalty so rich people knew other rich people from either just gossip, dinner events or balls. Its very common and Violas dad might have said good things to Viola about him so she would naturally attracted to him. Act I.2 Ln.25
