Sunday, December 6, 2009

The voice over 6th post for Idiot Savant

All throughout the play we kept hearing this loud, deep and authoritative voice coming over the sound system. This voice was supposed to represent his thought. It spoke to everyone on stage at the same time because he was only arguing with himself. Remember that the other two women on stage were merely representing his conscious in a way. They were toying with him throughout the entire play, each acting in their own specific way (good and evil). The voice had continued to tell the characters that they had been fooled, which after a while began to bother the Idiot Savant. At one point he lashed out and yelled at the voice over (his thought) because he could not focus. This is not actually him arguing with someone as much as it is him arguing with himself and getting mad at himself because he is losing focus. All of this constant change is making him uneasy and his mind cannot focus on what is exactly going on.

As a side note, the other people, the ones with the little hats on, are real. As the Idiot Savant is arguing with himself, the other people bring him the objects that are placed on stage. They are only able to do this because he is arguing out loud with himself. He is yelling his thoughts aloud for the others to hear and the objects are brought on to him on stage. It is almost as though they were his handlers for the performance. They walked him onto stage in the beginning, brought him all of the objects that he needed during the show and at the end directed us out of the theater. The two women and the duck are not real at all, they are the figments of his imagination.

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