Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Who's a writer?

A writer is anyone that is able to physically write or type and convey their ideas to someone else using written language. I am a writer, everyone in this class is a writer. What have we been doing in this class for the entire semester? Writing. What else could that possibly make us? It doesn't matter why we write, what we write about or who we write for, the fact is that we are writing.


  1. I completely agree with this. It is a writing class, after-all. If you can type words or write them down to form a coherent sentence... congratulations, you are a writer :)

  2. PArth comments: Honestly, I wouldn't call myself a writer. A writer must enjoy writing. Not me. You can be something without enjoying it. You are a taxi driver but it's not your true goal in life -- it's not what you are, it's not what you are in your heart.

  3. haha, true. we do do a lot of writing. but does this really make us all writers? I think of a writer as being a professional. Just because you write, doesn't necessarily mean that you fit the title... in my opinion.

  4. This comment is directed at parth's response. Parth, being your roomate I know that you like rap music and have even created your own rap song. Wouldn't you be considered a writer since you wrote your own rap song? It must have been something you enjoyed doing becuase it was outside of the classroom.

  5. Its hard to consider yourself a writer, when you turn in papers and the teachers point out all the flaws the see in discourages you from the notion that one can be a writer.
