Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Writing Center

My entire experience at the writing center lasted for about 10 minutes. I walked in sat down, turned on my computer (that probably took up most of the time I spent there) and then I showed the helper what I had already written down. I had a few notes about the sonnet that I was thinking of writing about already scribbled down on my computer. He read my notes, agreed with what I had to say, told me I was good with what I had and if I needed anymore help once I started writing it then I could come back. Then I left. There is not much for me to say about our conversation because whatever we said was really short and he didnt have much advice for me at all.
I did not change anything from the time that I went to the writing center to when I sat down to write my essay because they honestly did not give me any advice at all. Since I also went to the writing center with no essay completed or even started I could not have changed anything in my actual writing based on my writing center experience.

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