Monday, November 23, 2009

The library now creeps me out.....

So today around 2 o'clock I walked with one of my friends to the Axxin library so I could drop off a book to one of my other friends who i previously borrowed it from. My friend was sitting in the cafe part of the library and as I was walking through there I couldn't help but think about our stalking assignment that we had last week. That assignment has changed my whole outlook on the library and the people in there. I mean our class was just a simple group of college kids who were given an assignment and then quietly dispered into the library. Little did everyone else in the library know that they were being watched intently by this unsuspecting group of teenagers. This is exactly why I felt a little creeped out being in there today because you never do know when someone is watching you. I'd say that our class did a pretty good job at being discrete in what we did because no one was approached by their subject or taken away by public safety for stalking. Yet the more I thought about how good our class did, the more creeped out I felt. Who knows maybe Dr. Lay had another class in there at the time? There would be no way for me to point them out because our subjects for the project were completely unaware of who we were associated with (our class and professor) and more specifically who we were ourselves. This experience has definitely changed my outlook on the library, but it will not stop me from going there. If I see someone who is watching me intently I'd probably just move to another part of the library.


  1. I think it is hilarious that you will go to such drastic measures like moving to another part of the library if you see someone watching you. I liked the stalking project and sometimes I like when people watch me for some odd reason..I know it seems weird but I just think wow this person thinks I'm that interesting to watch me. Its only if its a cute guy. If anyone else watches me I will stare back until they stop or if it is an old creepy guy I will move because I have had bad encounters with grown men who do out of control things. Once this old man masturbated on the train while sitting next to me. Yeah I know DISGUSTING!! thats why I never sit next to men on the train anymore, i'm scarred for life and that happened 5years ago.

  2. o man, i had that same reaction to going to the library after we had gone. but i really don't go to the library that often so i assume our paranoia will probably soon go away. I guess a side effect of that project was to make us more aware of our surroundings so now instead of being predators we consider ourselves to be prey. We may even feel this way anywhere we go; From the writers perspective we became exposed to new people by staring at them. From reality we become aware of other creepers like we were during the project.

  3. I felt the same way the other day. I had to meet some people in the library the other day to study for a test and my mind was very uneasy. I found it very hard to focus on my study group and the material we were covering, because I couldn't help but wonder if someone was watching me. I guess like it says above me, the idea is just to help us become more aware of our surrondings, but its still very unsettling now.
