Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why we stalked.....

I feel that this whole assignment, in a way, was another method to get us to pay attention. I mean that is what stalkers do, they watch every move of their subject to such an extent that it becomes creepy. This is what we did in the library the other day, we sat down, viewed our subjects to great extents and took notes on them. This project was for us to be able to be aware of our surroundings and to be able to notice the things which we would otherwise not overlook.
To me this relates to the video clip from the movie "The Pink Panther" that we watched in class last week. The whole point of that clip, for us anyway, was to think about asking the right questions, whereas the point of this assignment was to notice the right things. Our whole focus in class for the past week or so has been about taking notice, asking the right questions, and being able to deduce meaning from them. All of this is exactly what we were required to do in the library yesterday. Our worksheets asked us to take notes on what our subject was doing, provide metaphors for those actions and then to describe our own take on them (deduce the meaning of it all). having just realized all this just now when I received the email about blog, I now have more of an understanding about what this assignment was truly meant for. It was to get us to open up our senses and to be attentive.

1 comment:

  1. You completely understood the purpose of the assignment. I felt the same way when I was "creeping." You state "I mean that is what stalkers do, they watch every move of their subject to such an extent that it becomes creepy." You have a great grasp and understanding of what a stalker does. You give the reader a great perspective into the world of a stalker. Stalkers are acute and sharp in using their senses. They take in their surroundings and analyze their situation. Stalking becomes almost an art. Yes, I realize it is totally creepy to go into the library and then stare at someone for a good half hour, but it takes a certain person to observe and ask the right questions. I feel that you are an excellent stalker.
